Join Power Platform enthusiasts from around the world for a full day of sessions about Microsoft Business Applications.
Using low code Power Fx to make Dataverse plug-ins
Hands on lab based course to setup, run, and extend pipelines in Power Platform
It's time to build a canvas app
A hands-on based course
Learn the basics of Microsoft Power Fx and how it works with the Power Platform
Hands on lab based course to build and automate a model-driven Power App
Learn how to build and use Power Apps Canvas Components.
Leveraging Microsoft Dataverse to build real world business solutions
Train end users on model-driven Power Apps
Intro to Dynamics 365 Project Operations
Hands on lab based course to build a canvas Power App
App in day provides beginners hands-on experience with Microsoft Power Platform.
Learn how to use Liquid with Power Pages, from basics to advanced topics
Get started using Power BI with Microsoft Dataverse
Dynamics 365 Marketing includes the key modules and functions of Marketing app.
Customize Power Apps command bar buttons using Power Fx logic
Learn how to build plug-ins to extend Microsoft Dataverse
Extend the Microsoft Dataverse API with your own custom messages
Everyone has to start somewhere and you can start right here
A 365.Training community of professionals learning together
Introducing Microsoft Dataverse for Teams, a built-in low-code data platform for Microsoft Teams
Learn how to build Power Automate flows using the Dataverse connector
A 365.Training community of professionals learning together
Learn how to use our certified connector to build your own apps, flows and chatbots
Hands on lab based course to build Power Pages
Getting to know about the Dynamics apps
Just an intro to automations on the Power Platform
Execute JavaScript code of your choice in Power Automate
Learn the basics of JSON to make you more productive as a maker
Use Azure Functions to extend Dataverse and SharePoint integration
Learn how to build components with the Power Apps Component Framework (PCF)
Get a quick high-level overview of the differences between canvas and model driven applications.
Learn how to create custom connectors that can be used by Power Apps and Power Automate
All the great classic books from 2008-2014
Catch up on XrmVirtual user group recordings
Learn the fundamentals of the Scrum framework and how to successfully apply it to your next Dynamics 365, Power Apps, Power BI or Power Automate project
Join Power Platform enthusiasts from around the world for a full day of sessions about Microsoft Business Applications.
Join Power Platform enthusiasts from around the world for a full day of sessions about Microsoft Business Applications.
Ukrainian Power Platform Saturday це безкоштовна онлайн конференція організована за допомогою і для української спілки користувачів, розробників і консультантів, які користуються Power Platform для створення застосунків для бізнесу
Learn tips and tricks to get the most out of XrmToolBox while saving tons of hours customizing Dynamics 365 and CDS
Learn all about the Xrm.Tools community site and how to use the tools