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Intro to Power Apps portals

Model Driven and Canvas based Power Apps provide incredibly powerful tools for building business applications for internal users. What about external audiences such as customers and partners? In October 2019, Power Apps Portals became generally available as a way for external stakeholders to interact with CDS data. This technology is actually the Dynamics 365 Portals platform with some new enhancements. This session provides an introduction to building a Model Driven App and the steps to expose it to an external audience via Power Apps Portals.

  • Intro to Power Apps portals - Video
    30 Minutes

    Model Driven and Canvas based Power Apps provide incredibly powerful tools for building business applications for internal users. What about external audiences such as customers and partners? In October 2019, Power Apps Portals became generally available as a way for external stakeholders to interact with CDS data. This technology is actually the Dynamics 365 Portals platform with some new enhancements. This session provides an introduction to building a Model Driven App and the steps to expose it to an external audience via Power Apps Portals.

    Nick Doelman image
    Nick Doelman

    MVP. Dad. Husband. Canadian. Beer connoisseur. Passionate about Power Platform, Power Apps and Powerlifting.