Experience Power Platform cover image

Experience Power Platform

Learning concepts is great, but actually building and automating apps will help you solidify what you have learned. This course takes you through a series of hands-on exercises all designed to give you practical experience building with the tools of the Power Platform.

These hands-on labs guide you through the requirements to the actual step-by-step task completion. This course is almost entirely hands on based learning.

Watch the preview video below to learn more about the labs you'll be building in this course.

Advanced Features

This course includes 365Ai that allows you to interactively learn.


Julie Yack

Julie Yack

Trainer. Author. Mentor. Learner. Problem-solver. Globetrotter. Microsoft MVP.

Course Module Details

Introduction (24 Minutes)
  • Welcome
  • Intro to the labs Preview
  • Get started
Canvas app (1 Hours)

You will build out several screens for a voting app. You will track voting and add the ability to add a new idea from the canvas app.

  • Canvas apps
  • Build canvas app
  • Discussion
Power Automate (2 Hours)

In this exercise you will gather the stakeholder IDs and map out the approval process while considering additional details such as what to do when the process times out.

  • Power Automate
  • Build Power Automate
  • Discussion
Model-driven apps (3 Hours)

This module has two exercises, one to build the model-driven app and one to add some automation using business rules. You will build out the model-driven app to create a reusable questionnaire app. This will include form automation with a business process flow. Then you will automate form behavior to make fields required based on data from other fields on the form.

  • Model driven apps
  • Build a model driven app
  • 365Ai Model-driven apps
  • Business Rules
  • Discussion
Embedded apps (1.5 Hours)

You will build a Power BI dashboard and a canvas app, then add that canvas app to the dashboard. This canvas app will connect with Microsoft To Do. Next you will build a canvas app and add it to your model-driven form, this canvas app will integrate with Microsoft Teams.

  • Embedded apps
  • Embed in Power BI
  • Embed canvas on model
  • Discussion
Custom Connectors (1 Hours)

You don't need to be a developer to interact with custom APIs. In this exercise you will import our event solution and create a canvas app that communicates with our custom API using a custom connector and generates a QR code.

  • Custom Connectors
  • Connect to custom API
  • Discussion
Power Pages (1 Hours)

Power Pages can be a quick way to expose your data to your external stakeholders. This exercise helps you build your first portal.

  • Power pages
  • Build a power pages app
  • Discussion
Course complete (2 Minutes)
  • Certificate of completion available